Assignment #1 - Evaluation and Replacement of a Referaterial

 Part One

The Library Learning Commons (LLC) I will be using for this assignment has a population of about 500 students. It is located in an elementary school that ranges from kindergarten to grade 5. In the LLC the physical reference section is housed in a small back room. As a current grade 3 and 4 teacher I choose to look at a reference collection called Wildlife of the World published by the Marshall Cavendish Corporation. 

Vol. 2 front cover, Wildlife of the World

Content Scope: Wildlife of the World is a 13 volume collection that introduces 300 different animals from around the world. Every animal featured gets at least a full double page describing the animals habitat, behaviour and adaptations. The content aligns quite well with the curricular content of elementary school children. However, the curricular competencies state that teachers should focus on the local environment and adding First Peoples perspectives and that content is not included (BC curriculum)

Accuracy, Authority and Bias: Looking at the inside cover page there is a list of people who produced this collection and who took the photos. These indicators suggest that this collection has good authority. The information presented in this collection is old and for that reason it is doubtful that it is fully accurate. For example, there are maps indicating natural habitat but habitats could be changing due to climate change. 

Arrangement and Presentation: This collection is well laid out. Each book starts with an introduction about what living things are included in the animal kingdom. There is a colour guide that dictates the phylum each animal belongs to. There is also a contents page that includes all 13 volumes, a how to read this book page, and a page for each individual animal. On the animal page there are coloured images, a map, subtitles, and a key facts box. I cannot fault the layout of this resource. 

Vol. 2 pg. 84 & 85, Wildlife of the World

Relation to Similar Work:
In the current LLC there is a collection of non-fiction books that has individual books dedicated to animals. They are more current, which appeals more to students based on the outer appearance of the resource. Also it is easier for students to have their own book instead of sharing a book with about 25 animals in it. 

Timeless and Permanence: As stated above this book was published in 1994, which makes it almost 30 years old. The reason it is still floating in the LLC is because it was such a well liked and used resource but it is time to update. Riedling states that reference books over 5 years old are outdated (24). 

Accessibility and Diversity: This collection physically in the LLC is not accessible for students. It is hidden away in a small side room where students rarely visit. The reading level is challenging for most elementary aged students and there are no adaptations in this collection to support low reading levels. 

Cost: This collection is longer being printed and there is no information on how much a collection like this would have cost. 

Evaluation Rubric

Below Standard



Content Scope

Information does not align with the BC curriculum 

Information mostly aligns the BC curriculum

Information fully aligns with the BC curriculum and competencies regarding inquiry and research

Accuracy, Authority and Bias

Content comes from an unreliable source with little authority

Content is inaccurate and is presented with biases

Content comes from a reliable source with good authority

Content is somewhat accurate and presented with fairness and objectivity

Content comes from a reliable source with great authority

Content is accurate and is presented without bias 

Arrangement and Presentation

Content does not have a good layout and there are minimal to no images throughout.

Content is not organized with an index and there is no sequence of information through the resource

Content has a good layout with some photographs, images, and illustrations throughout.

Content is organized with an index and there is somewhat of a familiar sequence through the resource

Content has an easy to follow layout with a variety of engaging photographs, images, and illustrations.

Content is well organized with an index and a familiar sequence of information through the resource

Relation to Similar Work

Contains the same information as resources that are already in the LLC

Contains some additional information that will be of value to the student population

Contains new or unseen information that will encompass student learning

Timeless and Permanence

Resource is more than 5 years since the publishing date

Resource is less than 5 years since the publishing date

Resource is within a year since the publishing date


(reading level, cultural perspectives, languages, differing formats, inclusive)

Resource does not meet the needs of the majority of the student population

Resource meets most of the needs of the student population

Resource meet a variety of needs of the whole student population


Above budget with a high yearly subscription or multiple subscriptions needed

On budget with a one time cost or minimal yearly subscription

Minimal to no cost 

Part Two

    A resource to replace Wildlife of the World would be the digital resource National Geographic Kids.This resource would replace the physical resource and more. This resource allows students to research a variety of science topics from animals to space to matter phases. National Geographic Kid can completely replace the 30 year old Wildlife of the World completely and there would be no gaps in the information.

Home page, National Geographic Kids

Content Scope: National Geographic Kids is a great digital resource that will support the learning of all elementary students in the school community. It aligns with the BC curriculum and competency goals. There are videos that will spark curiosity and leap students into inquiries. 

Accuracy, Authority and Bias:  The National Geographic society is well known throughout the world. Since 1996 they have been sharing world issues and facts with people all over the world. Each animal I search there is an author present to tell the reader who wrote the information. The website contains some advertisements for the  Nat Geo Kid magazine subscription.

Arrangement and Presentation: The website is very well laid out and engaging for students. There are quick links at the top for games, videos, animals, explore more and subscribe. There is also a search button. The search button takes you to a  large texted search par and below are “popular searches” that students could start with if they were just browsing. The “Animal” button takes you to a page that separates the animals in the phylums to narrow the search. There are pictures and text included when browsing animals to look at. Once an animal is selected there are photos, a dedicated quick fact box, detailed information, a map of habitat and sometimes a video.  

Blue Whale, National Geographic Kids

Relation to Similar Work: National Geographic is similar to Wildlife of the World. However, National Geographic encompasses more information about a wide variety of topics. An example is the “How Things Work” videos. One of these videos is called how gecko feet work. This video would help teach adaptations to students. 

Timeless and Permanence: The copyright date at the bottom of the website says 2015-2023. This is a range of less than 10 years so it is definitely more up to date then the Wildlife of the World collection.

Accessibility and Diversity: National Geographic Kids has a wide range of accessible features. Students are able to access this digital resource at school and there is a way to log on at home. There are lots of colourful visual images and videos that can support non readers. The text is large and has a good word count. There is also a big green box with quick facts about every animal. In the text there are also underlined words that are linked to a page with more information about that word. For example, if you click rainforest it takes you to a page about the rainforest habitat. 

Cost: It has been challenging to find the cost of a school subscription. Our school district luckily already pays for this subscription so it would be of no cost to the school.

Evaluation Rubric

Below Standard



Content Scope

Information does not align with the BC curriculum 

Information mostly aligns the BC curriculum

Information fully aligns with the BC curriculum and competencies regarding inquiry and research

Accuracy, Authority and Bias

Content comes from an unreliable source with little authority

Content is inaccurate and is presented with biases

Content comes from a reliable source with good authority

Content is mostly accurate and presented with fairness and objectivity

Content comes from a reliable source with great authority

Content is accurate and is presented without bias 

Arrangement and Presentation

Content does not have a good layout and there are minimal to no images throughout.

Content is not organized with an index and there is no sequence of information through the resource

Content has a good layout with some photographs, images, and illustrations throughout.

Content is organized with an index and there is somewhat of a familiar sequence through the resource

Content has an easy to follow layout with a variety of engaging photographs, images, and illustrations.

Content is well organized with an index and a familiar sequence of information through the resource

Relation to Similar Work

Contains the same information as resources that are already in the LLC

Contains some additional information that will be of value to the student population

Contains new or unseen information that will encompass student learning

Timeless and Permanence

Resource is more than 5 years since the publishing date

Resource is less than 5 years since the publishing date

Resource is within a year since the publishing date


(reading level, cultural perspectives, languages, differing formats, inclusive)

Resource does not meet the needs of the majority of the student population

Resource meets most of the needs of the student population

Resource meet a variety of needs of the whole student population


Above budget with a high yearly subscription or multiple subscriptions needed

On budget with a one time cost or minimal yearly subscription

Minimal to no cost 

Work Cited:

National Geographic Kids. National Geographic. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2023, from 

Marshall Cavendish Corporation. (1994). Wildlife of the world. Marshall Cavendish.

Riedling, Ann, Reference skills for the school library media specialist: Tools and tips

(Third Edition). Linworth.

Science. Building Student Success - B.C. Curriculum. (2016). Retrieved February 10, 2023, from


  1. Beautiful work, Sheena! Very thorough and clear. Hooray for National Geographic Kids! That is a favourite for sure. We cannot underestimate how easy it is for us to use websites with an entire classroom of kids versus them sharing one book or a set of books. Seems like a no-brainer.

  2. I'm glad you mentioned the National Geographic society! They're the only part of the NatGeo name that is still a non-profit as I learned when doing research for my own evaluation. If students don't know any better, they take information as is so evaluation is such an important job that we must do for them.

    My first draft of my rubric had an option for a middle of the road answer like yours, but I ended up sort of choosing the more "neutral" option for safety and my final rubric was mostly middle column and I wasn't sure if I should keep or discard the resource. (I reworked it after to have 4 options rather than 3). I was wondering if you ended up mostly in your middle, acceptable, column, would that mean you keep your resource?


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