Inquiry Blog #2 - Teacher Networking

For the past few years I have been a part of a Design Thinking Network that is run by the Tech Team within our school district. The Network was put together to help schools implement inquiry into their teaching practices. In the group there are classroom teachers, teacher librarians and sometimes administration. The purpose of the Network is to get together and discuss how we are using the design thinking process with our students. It is an amazing place to learn from other colleagues. One of my favourite parts  is when there are provocations we can watch from other group members. Before covid, students were invited to come and share their presentation to a room full of teachers. As an educator it is helpful to have supportive colleagues who will share their ideas and mistakes

SD23 Design Thinking Webpage

The first year I joined the Design Thinking Network they were focused on the UN Global Goals. There are 17 goals that the UN wants reached before 2030. My class was very eager to learn about all the goals and they were excited that they, as students, were being asked to come up with ideas on how to complete these goals. The Global Goals are relevant to the curriculum and student interest was really high. Pre-Covid the Network held an Expo of Awesome where students were able to go to the Expo to share and learn from other students in the district. I have yet to make it to the Expo, but when it opens up, hopefully next year, I am looking forward to having my students work through the design thinking model and create something awesome to share.

UN Global Goals

This year the Network was tackling digital wellness. I started off going to the Network meetings. However, this has been a crazy year and my students did not really seem interested in the topic. So, I stopped going! Not having the Network for support has made implementing the design thinking process a little harder. I am looking forward to a less hectic year next year, so I will be able to join this group of colleagues again.

Works Cited:

         Design thinking network. Learning Technology. (n.d.). Retrieved June 5, 2022, from

         Sustainable develop goals. (2015). National Geographic. Retrieved 2022, from

        Worlds Largest lesson. (2017). YouTube. Retrieved 2022, from


  1. Hi Sheena, I hear you about it being a crazy year. I hope that the topic next year connects better with your students and that you continue to have that amazing network of educators to work with. I joined a new district this year (part-way through the year) and I am still figuring out what opportunities are offered outside of the school itself.

  2. I appreciate the approach you took with this post, Your personal, reflective narrative engages the reader. Some additional ideas on how you might continue to develop your ICT skills as well as some supportive reading and research may have enhanced your discussion.


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